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(Formerly Diet Cokes and Smokes) Play Me Sync and PR is a boutique music public relations and sync publishing firm birthed in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles, now operating in Las Vegas. What started out as one guy on a MacBook, is now multiple people spread out across the country and world working together on a simple goal, helping independent artists and small label artists cut through the noise of a crowded and dizzying internet.

We specialize in custom campaigns based around your sound, image and goals. Using highly targeted contact lists to get your music in front of the right ears for consideration. When you work with us we truly believe in your artistry, which can lead to introductions in our network of managers, marketing pros, A&Rs, radio promoters and booking agents to help expand your musical career. With a strong ethos of offering transparency and reasonable rates, our network keeps expanding based on the most fundamental element of any business, trust and caring for our clients.

We are very excited to be adding sync and licensing publishing to our services. Sync licensing is a wonderful way to get artists paid for their hard work and talent as well as reach new audiences and creative highs though media synchronization.

Play Me is open to all genres of music but are particularly inclined to work with indie rock, alt pop, Americana and conscious hip hop artists for public relations. For joining our ever growing sync library we are open to all genres.


Play Me was founded by Jordan Jahnke a former artist manager. What made me leave management and get into pr and sync is simply this, I wanted to work with as many artists as I could in some capacity to help get their music out there properly. I have seen far too many amazing albums get buried on the internet.