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CRUELS is a future nu-90's house and R&B producer from San Fransisco, CA. Born Giovanni Giusti,the CRUELS name was given to him by his uncle, an Italian Farmer from the small village of Anchiano. His uncle often read the book Contes Cruels (Cruel Tales), a series of short stories from 19th century France. Gio adopted the book's title and the CRUELS project was born.

Prior to his solo career, Gio wrote and produced three full-length albums with electronic duo The Limousines. The band crossed the United States multiple times and toured Europe. He also has composed commercial music for brands such as Vans. Nike, Cool Water Cologne, and Schick Razors, along with several beds for television.Now he is adopting a sound melding future house with R&B for his debut solo release, collaborating with top liners for the first time in his career.

Life in Los Angeles and inspiration from these new collaborators has brought out a different side of the producer. CRUELS DJs out at underground parties in San Fransisco (Popscene, 1015 Folsom, and Out of the Woods to name a few), incorporating live elements into his sets. He has been filming and editing his own visual teasers for the new songs he has ready for release through 2019 and into 2020.

CRUELS is a tastemaker among modern producers and, more importantly, always knows what is coming next. CRUELS has now over nine million plays on Spotify.