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Color Palette


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Color Palette

Color Palette - comprised of Jay Nemeyer, Joshua Hunter, Matt Hartenau, Rogerio Naressi, and Maryjo Mattea - is an Indie/Electro/Rock band from Washington, DC. The band - whose sound has been compared to that of The Cure, M83, Depeche Mode, and Tame Impala - has been featured in NME Magazine, USA Today, NPR/WAMU, and hundreds of other outlets worldwide. Color Palette has shared bills with the following notable artists: Charli XCX, The Naked and Famous, Soccer Mommy, Mother Mother, Day Wave, Yumi Zouma, Mr Little Jeans, The Kickback, and Spirit Animal. Their music has been featured in advertisements created/published by the following brands/networks/companies: MTV, Vimeo, Volvo, and Monster Energy. Color Palette will be releasing their second full-length album in 2019.