In an era when the spotlight is often cast on a single artist or personality, Dreamaway is a brand new supergroup comprised of Ben Talmi (Sky Fererria, Wild Nothing, Manchester Orchestra, Tokyo Police Club) Cale Hawkins (Quincy Jones, Linda Perry, Raveena) Dan Drohan (Maggie Rogers, Tei Shi, Olden Yolk) Margaret Sohn (Miss Grit, Flint Eastwood, My Brightest Diamond) Kate Steinberg (Elle King,Human Natural, Maelyn Jarmon). In 2019 the group gathered at Talmi’s Greylock Records in Brooklyn to create what would become the debut EP ‘We Get On Somehow’. Four lead singers make for lush vocal arrangements with songs that spread a message of optimism to all in todays hyper-connected world in which so many people feel overworked, disillusioned, and oppressed.