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Holly Abraham


Holly Abraham

Holly Abraham is a mellow indie folk singer/songwriter originally from Wales, now based in Bristol. Combining deep, soulful lyrics with raw, misty vocal tones, Holly creates mesmerising melodies which will leave listeners both captivated and enamoured.

After spending the first half of 2018 on a soul-searching trip to Australia and Cambodia, Holly solidified her ambient sound and developed her identity as a solo artist. Inspired by musicians such as Novo Amor and Of Monsters and Men, Abraham began working closely alongside Norwegian producer and lead singer of indie-pop band Firewoodisland - Stian Vedoy. Together they produced Abraham’s debut single “Shore”, which picked up love from BBC Introducing in the West, Indie playlist-curators like Alex Rainbird Music and Indie Folk Central and have accumulated over 18.000 streams on Spotify in only 3 months.