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Tetra is a psychedelic jazz rock band from Philadelphia, PA. Occupying a space somewhere between the wandering melodies of bossa nova and the rhythmic grooves of progressive rock, Tetra use their music to submit a socially conscious critique of the status quo.

Derived from the Greek prefix for the number four, Tetra’s name references the four musicians that comprise the group, Zachary (guitar & vocals), Sam (Bass), Tyler (Guitar), and Tyler (Drums). Playing together in various iterations since 2006, the members of Tetra have developed a 6th sense of musicality and mutual intuition that manifests itself high energy sets scattered with spontaneous symphonic ad libbing

Their first studio album, Chill Chill Mega Chill, is set to be released in Spring 2018. Featuring an earnest mix of sing along hooks and kaleidoscopic jams, Chill Chill Mega Chill plants a seed for Tetra in the fertile ground of the Philadelphia indie rock scene.