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Wine Lips



Wine Lips

Toronto based garage rock band Wine Lips hit the stage for the first time in the fall of 2015. Initially a part time project, the band began playing clubs in Toronto, stretching organically to surrounding Ontario cities, then Quebec, and by mid 2017 it was clear that the band members were ready to make a full-time commitment. Wine Lips released their self-titled debut LP on indie label Fried Records and set out on their first 5-province tour, east to Halifax and haven’t looked back. After an appearance at Le Knock Out in Quebec City, the band was approached by Simon Gaudry of Envol-et-Macadam with regard to touring overseas. That chance meeting resulted in an April 2018 tour of Hong Kong and China, where they were received by enthusiastic audiences. Never letting the dust settle the band has been touring Canada consistently with no signs of stopping. Fronted by Cam Hilborn on guitar and vocals, Aurora Evans on drums and Richard Stewart on bass, the band continues to serve up their addictive, high energy, sonic tonic, preparing to release their follow-up LP and head out on their first tour of the US in March.