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Persian Leaps_Credit-to-Rouse-Productions_01.jpg

The Persian Leaps


Persian Leaps_Credit-to-Rouse-Productions_01.jpg

The Persian Leaps

The name “The Persian Leaps” came to Drew Forsberg in a daydream during a college Greek Archaeology class. That phrase was the first spark that would lead to the formation of The Persian Leaps in 2012 by frontman and guitarist Forsberg. Since then, TPL has delivered power-pop earworms with a midwestern charm every fall, starting with 5 EPs and capped by an 18-track anthology LP Pop Goes Crunch in 2018.

TPL won critical acclaim from the start; their debut EP Praise Elephants achieved notable critical acclaim from vanguard NME magazine. As the band's discography grew each fall so did the glowing reviews, including support from the likes of Magnet, Northern Transmissions and NYC’s Impose magazine along with countless others. Hailing from the Twin Cities, the band takes influences from the likes of Teenage Fanclub and Guided By Voices. TPL is currently composed of founding member/leader Drew Forsberg and Jon Hunt.