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Whoa Dakota.jpg

Whoa Dakota


2018 Elisabeth Donaldson Mirros.jpg

Whoa Dakota

Born in Little Rock, AR to a state champion bull rider and a wild child mother, Jessica Ott (Whoa Dakota) was raised part time on a cattle farm, and part time in the city. The dichotomy of her upbringing is apparent in her sound and something she continues to honor in her music.

"My late grandmother, Hattie Jo, is a guiding force in my life and in some way inspired every song on the album. Conversely, growing up hearing Nanny’s stories conditioned me to romanticize toxic relationships, subconsciously viewing them as a right of passage for growth. Nanny can be heard on the prelude to “Toe to Toe” talking about leaving my abusive grandfather.

For me, she works as a placeholder for every powerful woman. My relationship with her is my relationship with my most powerful self. At the same time, I also have to take ownership of the fact that every time I believe she’s pushed me to learn a lesson, I've also been responsible for teaching the lesson to myself."